On May 6, Jim, Mike, and Pete measured and staked the garden into the community and individual plots. As Sharon commented later, "this looks more like a farm than a garden!" Once again, thanks to Sharon for spearheading the gardening effort and to Zeke for finding the perfect site!

Marking the spot.

Jim and Mike tagging the individual plots.

The gardens were labeled with little orange flags.

On bright and sunny Saturday, May 7, a good crew met to erect pole bean supports. Claude's sturdy structures will withstand anything! Just imagine these trellises covered in masses of leaves and beans :) Notice our generous neighbor in the background. We thank Mike Pace for making our garden dream a reality!

Preparing the area for planting. The first pole beans were planted on Saturday, May 7.

Monday, May 9 was a beautiful day for planting squash and bush beans. Here a group discusses the progress.

Squash beds planted and watered.
The garden is off to an exciting start thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of our gardening friends!
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