Saturday, May 16, 2015

Our Little Acre - well, almost

I don't know anyone that has participated in our High Vista Community Garden to date who isn't having a good time. It is so pleasant to chat while bumping shoulders at ground level. The warm sun, the birds singing. IMHO, the only thing that could be better is if the traffic would halt on Rte. 191 while we're down in the garden, but then all those passers-by wouldn't be benefitting from the lesson of what can be done through a bit of teamwork.

Here are pictures from Sue Kleppinger (of early work on the garden, May 6) and some from Sharon Willen of major planting taking place on May 16. All our community crops are now in the ground except for the sweet potatoes. Karen Donde has agreed to lead that team once we get the call from Jesse Israel Nursery that the slips are in. We hope to bring home 150. Be prepared for another fun day playing in the dirt!

Preparing Sweet Potato Rows

Long shot of the naked garden 

Jerry, Josh, Doug, Mike & Cathy arrive for work
Al points the way

A two-fisted waterer
Bill gets a kick out of being in the dirt
Joyce waters in her garden
Sue and Bill working on community peppers

Mary Alice, Judy, Cathy
Not a shirker in the group
Sue Marlan inspects her work
Peter inspects Mary Alice's work

Terri is queen of the bell (peppers)

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