Saturday, April 30, 2011

Almost Ready to Plant

Tomorrow is May 1 and we're getting ready to plant. Twenty one families will be represented in our High Vista Community Garden, including newly registered Dick and Pam Moody, Gary and Joan Neeman, and Natacha and Christopher Jones (just moved in next door to Lexie and John Kiefer). Welcome one and all. More than half the individual beds are accounted for with some folks sharing individual units and some requesting more than one. Thanks to everyone for getting their checks in on a timely basis. Mike Willen set up a bank account at Asheville Savings and will keep track of expenditures.

Jim and Nancy Dhom staked out and flagged the field rows and supervised the first tilling. Because of the amount of rain last week, the field and gardens still need to be disked and tilled again, so they won't be ready for planting until the second week in May. Team leaders will contact you when your help is needed to get the corn and subsequent plantings in the ground. Mary Alice and others are already buying seeds and seedlings and nurturing them indoors until the time is right. I'll be sending a spread sheet with everyone's contact info, team affiliations, allotments, and "away dates"to everyone with the link to this update.

I hope you're all as eager as Mike and I are. We bought plants at Valley Ag (on Rte. 280 in Mills River) last week and others at the Herb Festival at the Mills River Farmer's Market this weekend. Here's a peek: some already in containers and others still in flats and pots.

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